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Our children hold a special place in our hearts and we welcome children of all ages to come forward during our children's moment. We have special workbooks for the children to use during worship that relate to what is being done that particular morning.  We also have a nursery area available with speakers so that mother's who need to tend to their children do not miss hearing the worship service.

Children's Bell Choir

​Two times a month the children play familiar tunes on the bells, during Children’s Moment in the worship service.  Children of all ages can participate.  Children who play these bells in the Children’s Bell Choir do not need special talents or training.  This format provides opportunities for the children to  enjoy ringing the bells as they amazingly produce beautiful songs.

Chalice Youth

Every second Sunday we have Chalice Youth immediately following worship. The kids are fed, we have a lesson, a craft, a service project, music time and just all around fun.  The group also does special events throughout the year such as a trip to the movie theater, a day at the local water park and other group activities as planned.​

First Friends meets every 1st Saturday at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
We have a great time sharing a meal, a game, story telling or just being together as women of God.  


Samaritans of Pauls Valley

Volunteers from First Christian Church

Help out at the Samaritans filling food boxes, restocking shelves

and whatever else is needed to keep our local food pantry running smoothly.

We are there every first Thursday  afternoon and

every second Tuesday morning of each month.

Devotions at The Willows

On the second Wednesday of each month, we visit The Willows assisted living center and bring songs and a devotional to the residents.  Our worship time starts at 10:30 a.m. and lasts about 30 minutes .

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